
Contact Process

How Our Contact Process Works:

  1. Call us
  2. Schedule Estimate
  3. Estimate Staff will write up an estimate and send it to you via email
  4. Address all questions and concerns via e-mail or phone.
  5. Then all you have to do is say YES!
  6. We will send you a contract to be signed.
  7. Secure the 10% of the cost at signing to secure your contract. By phone or in person!
  8. 20% of your contract price to schedule your job.
  9. One Stop will order all materials, special orders & schedule your job start date.
  10. When we begin your project another 35% of your contract price will be collected.
  11. Upon completion 100% of the remaining balance will be collected upon 100% satisfaction.

Our Service Area

We are based in Orono, Maine – but we’ll go wherever we’re needed subject to availability!

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